First, you will need an OpenStack Platform running on OpenShift. See, the ci-framework documentation to get you started. It will get you through the installation of such environment.
Depends on the environment you use, you might need to source/eval your credentials. In CRC’s case, you could source your credentials by running the following commands:
eval $(${HOME}/ci-framework-data/bin/crc oc-env)
export KUBECONFIG="${HOME}/.crc/machines/crc/kubeconfig"
oc login -u kubeadmin -p 12345678 https://api.crc.testing:6443
Once you source the credentials, please check that you are inside the openstack project.
oc project openstack
Now using project "openstack" on server "https://api.crc.testing:6443".
12345678 is a default password set by ci-framework