1. There is a test failing and I do not know why. How can I debug the failing test?

Currently, there are two ways how to debug a test failure. You can either use oc rsh or oc debug command. The preferred way is to use the oc debug command as it does not terminate the connection to the test pod once the test pod finishes its execution.


What does oc debug do?

$ oc debug –help

Launch a command shell to debug a running application.

When debugging images and setup problems, it’s useful to get an exact copy of a running pod configuration and troubleshoot with a shell. Since a pod that is failing may not be started and not accessible to ‘rsh’ or ‘exec’, the ‘debug’ command makes it easy to create a carbon copy of that setup.

Once connected to a test pod using oc debug, you need to execute the script responsible for the test execution (e.g., in the case of tempest /var/lib/tempest/run_tempest.sh) as the oc debug prepares a pod with an environment that is identical to that of a freshly started pod (meaning the environment looks exactly how it would look like before the tests are executed and configured).

After the script finishes due to a failure you can start debugging the issue (e.g., by using pudb or any other debugger of your choosing).

2. When I apply the test-operator related CR (e.g., Tempest CR) I get resource mapping not found error. What’s wrong?

$ oc apply -f file.yml
error: resource mapping not found for name: "tempest" namespace: "openstack" from "file.yml": no matches for kind "Tempest" in version

This issue in most cases is related to the test-operator not being (properly) installed. Try finding an answer to the following questions:

  • Do you have the test-operator related CRDs installed (oc get crd | grep -E "tempest|tobiko")?

  • Do you have the controller running in your environment (oc get pod | grep "test-operator-controller")?

If you answered NO to any of those two questions, then the best solution is to uninstall and install the test-operator again. Please, refer to these two sections from the test-operator documentation:

3. I have a patch for tempest or a tempest plugin that I want to test using the test-operator. How can I make sure that the patch is used by the test-operator?

The Tempest CR contains a parameter called externalPlugin that can be used to specify a tempest / tempest plugin patch that should be used inside a test pods spawned by the test operator. The parameter requires three pieces of information (repository, changeRepository and changeRefspec).

Let’s say I want to download a patch proposed via gerrit to neutron-tempest-plugin. In this case I would need to add externalPlugin section under the tempestRun section in the Tempest CR:

    - repository: https://opendev.org/openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin.git"
      changeRepository: "https://review.opendev.org/openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin"
      changeRefspec: "refs/changes/97/896397/2"

In the example above, the change specified with changeRefspec will be applied inside the test pod to code stored in the /var/lib/tempest/external-plugins folder.


This change is only available for the Tempest CR.

4. I need to pass a private / public key to a test pod via parameter in the test-operator related CR (e.g., SSHKeySecretName in the Tempest CR), but the CR requires a name of a secret containing the key. How can I create a secret that stores the key?

To create a secret that contains private / public key, the oc secret create command can be utilized:

$ oc create secret generic my-private-key-secret --from-file=ssh-privatekey=/path/to/private/key/file

5. I want to execute tests from tempest plugin XYZ, but the tests seem to be missing. What should I do?

Please refer to this section of the documentation:

Most likely you are using openstack-tempest image instead of openstack-tempest-all. You can specify which image you want to be used with containerImage parameter in the Tempest CR. If your plugin is not included in the openstack-tempest-all image then take a look at the externalPlugin parameter.

6. The test pod is stuck in a pending state. What should I do?

There are a lot of things that might lead to a pod being stuck in a Pending state. Usually, the best approach is to investigate what went wrong using the oc describe pod/[pod-name] command (see Event section).


Make absolutely sure that you have a working backup of the data residing on that PV (if needed) before wiping the data.

However, most of the times this issue is caused by the fact that there are no available PVs left on your system. This happens when you executed tests too many times and test-operator is told to use storage class (using the storageClass option) which does not clean up the PVs after itself.

The issue can be fixed in two steps:

  1. Identify test-operator related PVs on your system (e.g., by running oc get pv | grep "tempest")

  2. Modify the PVs identified in the first step using the following command so that value under ClaimRef is changed to null. This will free the PVs and you can continue with the testing but please make sure that you can afford to lose the data stored on the PVs you are about the free.

$ oc patch pv <PV-name> --type='merge' -p '{"spec":{"claimRef":null}}'

7. How can I build test-operator-index locally?

To build test-operator locally you can follow these steps inside /test-operator directory. Be sure to double-check which image name is required for each step.

  1. Create test-operator image

$ make docker-build IMG=<registry>/<user>/<operator_image_name>:<tag>
$ make docker-push IMG=<registry>/<user>/<operator_image_name>:<tag>
  1. Create test-operator-bundle image

$ make bundle IMG=<registry>/<user>/<operator_image_name>:<tag>
$ make bundle-build BUNDLE_IMG=<registry>/<user>/<bundle_image_name>:<tag>
$ make bundle-push BUNDLE_IMG=<registry>/<user>/<bundle_image_name>:<tag>
  1. Create test-operator-index image

$ export BUNDLE_IMG=<registry>/<user>/<bundle_image_name>:<tag>
$ make catalog-build CATALOG_IMG=<registry>/<user>/<index_image_name>:<tag>
$ make catalog-push CATALOG_IMG=<registry>/<user>/<index_image_name>:<tag>