CRs Used By the test-operator

This file contains definitions of all custom resources (CRs) that are accepted by the test-operator. Currently, there are four CRs accepted by the test-operator:

Tempest Custom Resource

kind: Tempest
  name: tempest-tests
  namespace: openstack
  containerImage: ""
  # storageClass: local-storage
  # parallel: false
  # debug: false

  # configOverwrite
  # ---------------
  # An interface to overwrite default config files like e.g. logging.conf But can also
  # be used to add additional files. Those get added to the service config dir in
  # /etc/test_operator/<file>
  # configOverwrite:
  #   file.txt: |
  #     content of the file

  # SSHKeySecretName
  # ----------------
  # SSHKeySecretName is the name of the k8s secret that contains an ssh key. The key is
  # mounted to ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa in the tempest pod. Note, the test-operator looks for
  # the private key in ssh-privatekey field of the secret.
  # SSHKeySecretName: secret_name

  # Privileged
  # ----------
  # Use with caution! This parameter specifies whether test-operator should spawn test
  # pods with allowedPrivilegedEscalation: true, readOnlyRootFilesystem: false and the
  # default capabilities on top of capabilities that are usually needed by the test
  # pods (NET_ADMIN, NET_RAW). This parameter is deemed insecure but it is needed for
  # certain test-operator functionalities to work properly (e.g.: extraRPMs in Tempest CR,
  # or certain set tobiko tests).
  # privileged: false

  # resources:
  #   limits:
  #     cpu: 8000m
  #     memory: 4Gi
  #   requests:
  #     cpu: 4000m
  #     memory: 2Gi
    # NOTE: All parameters have default values (use only when you want to override
    #       the default behaviour)
    includeList: | # <-- Use | to preserve \n
    concurrency: 8
    # excludeList: | # <-- Use | to preserve \n
    #   tempest.api.identity.v3.*
    # expectedFailuresList: | # <-- Use | to preserve \n
    #   tempest.api.identity.v3.test_tokens.TokensV3Test.test_create_token
    # workerFile: | # <-- Use | to preserve \n
    #   - worker:
    #     - tempest.api.*
    #     - neutron_tempest_tests
    #   - worker:
    #     - tempest.scenario.*
    # smoke: false
    # serial: false
    # parallel: true
    # externalPlugin:
    #   - repository: ""
    #   - repository: ""
    #     changeRepository: ""
    #     changeRefspec: "refs/changes/97/896397/2"
    # extraImages:
    #   - URL:
    #     name: cirros-0.6.2-test-operator
    #       flavor:
    #         name: cirros-0.6.2-test-operator-flavor
    #         RAM: 512
    #         disk: 20
    #         vcpus: 1

    # extraRPMs:
    # ----------
    # A list of URLs that point to RPMs that should be installed before
    # the execution of tempest. WARNING! This parameter has no efect when used
    # in combination with externalPlugin parameter.
    # extraRPMs:
    #   -
    #   -

    # NOTE: All parameters have default values (use only when you want to override
    #       the default behaviour)
    # create: true
    # collectTiming: false
    # insecure: false
    # noDefaultDeployer: false
    # debug: false
    # verbose: false
    # nonAdmin: false
    # retryImage: false
    # convertToRaw: false
    # out: ./etc/tempest.conf
    # flavorMinMem: 128
    # flavorMinDisk: 1
    # timeout: 600
    # imageDiskFormat: qcow2
    # image:

    # The following text will be mounted to the tempest pod
    # as /etc/test_operator/deployer_input.yaml
    # deployerInput: |
    #   [section]
    #   value1 = exmaple_value2
    #   value2 = example_value2

    # The following text will be mounted to the tempest pod
    # as /etc/test_operator/accounts.yaml
    # testAccounts: |
    #  - username: 'multi_role_user'
    #    tenant_name: 'test_tenant_42'
    #    password: 'test_password'
    #     roles:
    #       - 'fun_role'
    #       - 'not_an_admin'
    #       - 'an_admin'

    # The following text will be mounted to the tempest pod
    # as /etc/test_operator/profile.yaml
    # profile: |
    #   collect_timing: false
    #   create: false
    #   create_accounts_file: null

    # createAccountsFile: /path/to/accounts.yaml
    # generateProfile: /path/to/profile.yaml
    # networkID:
    # append: |  # <-- Use | to preserve \n
    #   section1.name1 value1
    #   section1.name1 value2
    # remove: |  # <-- Use | to preserve \n
    #   section1.name1 value1
    #   section1.name1 value2
    # overrides: | # <-- Use | to preserve \n
    #  overrides_section1.name1 value1
    #  overrides_section1.name1 value2

  # Workflow
  # --------
  # Workflow section can be utilized to spawn multiple test pods at the same time.
  # The commented out example spawns two test pods that are executed sequentially.
  # Each step inherits all configuration that is specified outside of the workflow
  # field. For each step you can overwrite values specified in the tempestRun and
  # tempestconfRun sections.
  # workflow:
  #   - stepName: firstStep
  #     tempestRun:
  #       includeList: |
  #         tempest.api.*
  #   - stepName: secondStep
  #     tempestRun:
  #       includeList: |
  #         neutron_tempest_plugin.*

Tobiko Custom Resource

kind: Tobiko
  name: tobiko-tests
  namespace: openstack
  containerImage: ""

  # Privileged
  # ----------
  # Use with caution! This parameter specifies whether test-operator should spawn test
  # pods with allowedPrivilegedEscalation: true and the default capabilities on
  # top of capabilities that are usually needed by the test pods (NET_ADMIN, NET_RAW).
  # This parameter is deemed insecure but it is needed for certain test-operator
  # functionalities to work properly (e.g.: extraRPMs in Tempest CR, or certain set
  # of tobiko tests).
  # privileged: false

  # storageClass: local-storage
  # parallel: false
  # debug: false
  # privateKey: |
  #   <private-key-value>
  # publicKey: |
  #   <public-key-value>
  # numProcesses: <integer>
  # preventCreate: <true/false>
  # pytestAddopts: >- # example:
  #   -m <markers>
  #   --maxfail <max-failed-tests>
  #   --skipregex <regex>
  # resources:
  #   limits:
  #     cpu: 8000m
  #     memory: 8Gi
  #   requests:
  #     cpu: 4000m
  #     memory: 4Gi
  testenv: py3
  version: master
  config: |
    log_file = value

    timeout = value
    test_runner_timeout = value

    interface_name = value

    interface_name = value
    - stepName: unit-tests
      testenv: py3

    - stepName: functional-tests
      testenv: functional

HorizonTest Custom Resource

kind: HorizonTest
  labels: horizontest horizontest-sample test-operator kustomize test-operator
  name: horizontest-sample
  containerImage: ""
  # debug: false
  storageClass: "local-storage"

  # OpenStack admin credentials
  adminUsername: "admin"
  adminPassword: "12345678"

  # The URL of the Horizon dashboard
  dashboardUrl: "https://horizon-openstack.apps.ocp.openstack.lab/"

  # The OpenStack authentication URL
  authUrl: "https://keystone-public-openstack.apps.ocp.openstack.lab"

  # The Horizon repository URL
  repoUrl: ""

  # The branch of the Horizon repository to checkout
  horizonRepoBranch: "master"

  # The URL to download the Cirros image (optional)
  imageUrl: ""

  # The name of the OpenStack project for Horizon tests (optional)
  projectName: "horizontest"

  # The username under which Horizon tests will run (optional)
  user: "horizontest"

  # The password for the user running the Horizon tests (optional)
  password: "horizontest"

  # The name of the OpenStack flavor to create for Horizon tests (optional)
  flavorName: "m1.tiny"

  # The name of the directory to store test logs (optional)
  logsDirectoryName: "horizon"

  # The directory path for Horizon tests (optional)
  horizonTestDir: "/var/lib/horizontest"

  # Whether to run tests in parallel (optional)
  parallel: false

  # The maximum number of retry executions (optional)
  backoffLimit: 0

  # Privileged
  # ----------
  # Use with caution! This parameter specifies whether test-operator should spawn test
  # pods with allowedPrivilegedEscalation: true and the default capabilities on
  # top of capabilities that are usually needed by the test pods (NET_ADMIN, NET_RAW).
  # This parameter is deemed insecure but it is needed for certain test-operator
  # functionalities to work properly (e.g.: extraRPMs in Tempest CR, or certain set
  # of tobiko tests).
  # privileged: false

  # resources:
  #   limits:
  #     cpu: 2000m
  #     memory: 4Gi
  #   requests:
  #     cpu: 1000m
  #     memory: 2Gi

AnsibleTest Custom Resource

kind: AnsibleTest
  name: performance-tests
  namespace: openstack
    - name: some-configmap
      subPath: this.conf
      mountPath: /var/conf
  debug: true
  storageClass: "local-storage"
  workloadSSHKeySecretName: 'open-ssh-keys'
  ansiblePlaybookPath: playbooks/my_playbook.yaml
  # containerImage:
  ansibleInventory: |
    localhost ansible_connection=local ansible_python_interpreter=python3
  ansibleVarFiles: |
    # Use exist cloud resources
    somevar: somevalue

  # Privileged
  # ----------
  # Use with caution! This parameter specifies whether test-operator should spawn test
  # pods with allowedPrivilegedEscalation: true and the default capabilities on
  # top of capabilities that are usually needed by the test pods (NET_ADMIN, NET_RAW).
  # This parameter is deemed insecure but it is needed for certain test-operator
  # functionalities to work properly (e.g.: extraRPMs in Tempest CR, or certain set
  # of tobiko tests).
  # privileged: false

  # resources:
  #   limits:
  #     cpu: 4000m
  #     memory: 4Gi
  #   requests:
  #     cpu: 2000m
  #     memory: 2Gi
    - stepName: beststep
      ansibleExtraVars: ' -e manual_run=false '
    - stepName: laststep
      ansibleExtraVars: ' -e manual_run=false '

Parallel Execution

By default, test-operator runs pods serially. The reason for this is to prevent collisions between tests (e.g., two tests from two different frameworks modifying the same resource). So, for example, if you run the following two commands:

oc apply -f crd1.yaml
oc apply -f crd2.yaml

where crd1.yaml and crd2.yaml are, let’s say, two Tobiko CRs, then you will first see a test pod executing tests defined by crd1.yaml. After the test pod finishes, you will see a second test pod that will be executing tests specified in crd2.yaml.

If you want to run multiple test pods at the same time, then you need to set parallel: true in the Spec section in both crd1.yaml and crd2.yaml:

kind: Tobiko
  name: crd1
  namespace: openstack
  parallel: true # <-- HERE
  testenv: py3
kind: Tobiko
  name: crd1
  namespace: openstack
  parallel: true # <-- HERE
  testenv: py3

Workflow Section

The workflow section enables the spawning of multiple test pods at the same time. For example, in the Tempest CR shown below, two test pods are spawned, each corresponding to a different step. Each step inherits a configuration that is specified outside the workflow section. In individual steps, you can overwrite values specified in the tempestRun and tempestconfRun sections.

kind: Tempest
  name: tempest-tests
  namespace: openstack
  containerImage: ""
  # parallel: true # <-- Uncomment for parallel execution
  includeList: |
  concurrency: 8
    - stepName: first-step
        includeList: |
    - stepName: second-step
        includeList: |

By default, test pods are executed sequentially. To enable parallel execution of test pods, you need to set parallel: true in the spec section.

CRs that can use the workflow section: