Role - edpm_network_config


This Ansible role does the following tasks:

  • Read the configured edpm_network_config_tool The following choices can be used to configure the host network: - nmstate, i.e based on - os-net-config, i.e based on custom tasks os-net-config is the default tool for this role

  • For os-net-config option, this role prepares the host by - creating necessary folders and files for rendering network templates and NIC mappings (optional) - Checks for the presence of required RPMS - Uses “provider” ifcfg/nmstate based on flag “edpm_network_config_nmstate”

Note: By default this role will cleanup devices/interfaces not in “edpm_network_config_template”. If there is requirement to keep them for pre-provisioned nodes, “edpm_network_config_nonconfigured_cleanup” ansible var can be set to “false”.

Here is an example playbook to run os-net-config tool:

- name: Apply network_config
    - name: Configure host network with edpm-ansible
        name: edpm_network_config
        edpm_network_config_template: "{{ nic_config_file }}"
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# Apply network configuration with os-net-config.

- name: Apply os-net-config configuration
  become: true
    - name: Set nic_config_file fact
        nic_config_file: "/etc/os-net-config/config.yaml"
    - name: Render network_config from template
      no_log: "{{ edpm_network_config_hide_sensitive_logs | bool }}"
        content: "{{ edpm_network_config_template }}"
        dest: "{{ nic_config_file }}"
        mode: '0644'
        backup: true
    - name: Retrieve and output nic_config_file contents for debug before applying
      when: edpm_network_config_debug|bool
        - name: Retrieve content of nic_config_file before applying
            path: "{{ nic_config_file }}"
          register: os_net_config_config
        - name: Debug print nic_config_file contents
            msg: "{{ os_net_config_config['content'] | b64decode | trim }}"
    - name: Run edpm_os_net_config_module with network_config
        cleanup: "{{ edpm_network_config_nonconfigured_cleanup }}"
        config_file: "{{ nic_config_file }}"
        debug: "{{ edpm_network_config_debug | bool }}"
        detailed_exit_codes: true
        safe_defaults: "{{ edpm_network_config_safe_defaults | bool }}"
        use_nmstate: "{{ edpm_network_config_nmstate | bool }}"
      async: "{{ edpm_network_config_async_timeout }}"
      poll: "{{ edpm_network_config_async_poll }}"
      register: network_config_result
      when: not ansible_check_mode