
The edpm-ansible collection is installed using standard ansible CLI utilities. Once it is installed, all roles, plugins and other files are accessible in paths set by appropriate environment variables, unless overrides were given during the installation process.

Using roles in playbooks

Plabyooks should import roles whole, not only import specific subset of tasks. Situations when this is neccessary indicate inappropriate problem decomposition and could point towards need for refactoring.

Roles must be invoked using their FQN, in order to preven potential collisions and to clarify collection dependencies.

Only variables that don’t have appropriate defaults should be set explicitly in the role invokation. The notable exception being repeated use of the same role within the playbook, when it may be more beneficial, from the maintenance perspective, to explicitly set other variables.

The role invokation in a playbook is analogous to call of function in other languages. However, output of one role shouldn’t impact operations of other roles, not including cases when role exectuion fails.

Roles must not be imported using the plain include module, as it has been deprecated. Instead the roles keyword should be used on the playbook level when possible. Other modules of the include_* and import_* names are also allowed.

Roles should be only invoked with their parameters. Additional variables are permissible, but should be avoided, as they will remain accessible to following tasks in playbook.

# playbook.yaml
- hosts: webservers
    - role: osp.edpm.edpm_telemetry
      edpm_telemetry_node_exporter_image: "wecollecttelemetrynow.img"