Testing with ansibleee

edpm-ansible is included in the openstack-ansibleee-runner container image, which is a key component used by the openstack-operator that deploys EDPM nodes. The openstack-operator’s CRD includes support for specifying additional volume mounts for the ansibleee pods, which provides a mechanism for accessing a local copy of edpm-ansible. This makes it possible to develop and test local changes to edpm-ansible without having to build and deploy a new openstack-ansibleee-runner container image.

Provide NFS access to your edpm-ansible directory

The technique described here uses NFS to access the edpm-ansible directory on your development system, so you’ll need to install an NFS server and create an appropriate export on your development system. Of course, this implies your OpenShift deployment that runs the openstack-operator has access to the NFS server, including any required firewall rules.

When using OpenShift Local (aka CRC), your export will be something like this:

% echo "${HOME}/edpm-ansible,sync,no_root_squash,insecure)" > /etc/exports

% exportfs -r

Make sure nfs-server and firewalld are started:

% systemctl start firewalld
% systemctl start nfs-server


CRC installs its own firewall rules, which likely will need to be adjusted depending on the location of your NFS server. If your edpm-ansible directory is on the same system that hosts your CRC, then the simplest thing to do is insert a rule that essentially circumvents the other rules:

% nft add rule inet firewalld filter_IN_libvirt_pre accept

Create edpm-ansible PV and PVC

Create an NFS PV, and a PVC that can be mounted on the ansibleee pods.


While it’s possible to add an NFS volume directly to a pod, the default k8s Security Context Constraint (SCC) for non-privileged pods does not permit NFS volume mounts. The approach of using an NFS PV and PVC works just as well, and avoids the need to fiddle with SCC policies.

# E.g. ${HOME}/edpm-ansible
NFS_SHARE=<Path to your edpm-ansible directory>
NFS_SERVER=<IP of your NFS server>
cat <<EOF >edpm-ansible-storage.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  # Do not use just "edpm-ansible" for the metadata name!
  name: edpm-ansible-dev
    storage: 1Gi
  volumeMode: Filesystem
    - ReadOnlyMany
  # IMPORTANT! The persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy must be "Retain" or else
  # your code will be deleted when the volume is reclaimed!
  persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
  storageClassName: edpm-ansible
    - nfsvers=4.1
    path: ${NFS_SHARE}
    server: ${NFS_SERVER}
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  # Do not use just "edpm-ansible" for the metadata name!
  name: edpm-ansible-dev
  storageClassName: edpm-ansible
    - ReadOnlyMany
      storage: 1Gi

oc apply -f edpm-ansible-storage.yaml

Add extraMount to your OpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet CR

Use kustomize or “oc edit” to add the edpm-ansible PVC to the OpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet’s /spec/nodeTemplate/extraMounts. The mountPath is where the edpm-ansible roles and plugins directories are located inside the openstack-ansibleee-runner container image. The OpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet CR should contain the following snippet:

    - extraVolType: edpm-ansible
      - mountPath: /usr/share/ansible/collections/ansible_collections/osp/edpm
        name: edpm-ansible
      - name: edpm-ansible
          claimName: edpm-ansible-dev
          readOnly: true