Contributing Playbooks

Addition of new playbooks to the edpm-ansible collection is easy, thanks to specialized development tooling and CI pipeline. However, certain requirements must be met by any new playbook, in order to ensure quality of the collection and a smooth operation of software consuming it.

These requirements, outlined in the following document, go beyond syntactic and functional correctness of the code.

Where there isn’t an explicit requirement, or recommendation, provided by this document, the primary Ansible documentation is considered to be the source of truth. When this document and official Ansible docs are in substantial conflict, an issue should be raised.

Playbook design principles

Playbook must not duplicate other playbooks.

If a newly developed playbook requires functionality not already present in existing roles, a new role should be submitted in the same PR implementing it.

If possible, playbooks should not use tasks directly, only trough a role.

Playbooks must use following basic layout. Exposing variables, edpm_override_hosts, edpm_max_fail_percentage and edpm_any_errors_fatal.

  hosts: "{{ edpm_override_hosts | default('all') }}"
  strategy: linear
  become: true
  any_errors_fatal: "{{ edpm_any_errors_fatal | default(true) }}"
  max_fail_percentage: "{{ edpm_max_fail_percentage | default(0) }}"

This allows for more granular error handling and playbook application by operators.

Error handling

Errors encountered while executing playbooks should be handled in roles which caused them.

Playbook test development

Playbooks themselves don’t require tests. However, all of the roles they invoke do. For further information about testing roles, please refer to the role contribution section of this guide.

Documenting a new playbook

Playbooks must accurately explain their effects in their documentation, with in-line comments serving only as a supplement. In complex cases the documentation should link to other material, but only as a source of additional information.

Primary playbook documentation file must reside at docs/source/playbooks/<NEWPLAYBOOKNAME>.rst and must be a valid, readable rst document.

This file must contain a title and a literalinclude directive of the playbook itself at the ../../../playbooks/<NEWPLAYBOOKNAME>.yml path.

.. literalinclude:: ../../../playbooks/bootstrap.yml
   :language: YAML

Optionally, you can write further information about the playbook, such as section of examples, in the docs/source/playbooks/<NEWPLAYBOOKNAME>.rst. However, this documentation must be updated manually, together with the playbook.

Create a new playbook

Each new playbook must follow form and basic outline of existing playbooks.

Before submitting a playbook for review, don’t forget to run pre-commit hooks, as well as molecule tests, if possible.