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Opening pull requests#

Contributions to the architecture repository are always welcomed and encouraged. In order to avoid causing regressions to the repository and to prove that the contributions are working as intended, all pull requests are expected to provide proof of validation.

The simplest way is to use the reproducer functionality in the CI-Framework.

Using the reproducer role#

Additional parameters can be passed to the reproducer role of the CI-Framework, allowing you validate changes to the architecture repository remain functional within the contexts of kustomize and CI-Framework itself (which consumes the contents of the architecture repository).

Use the reproducer.yml playbook within the CI-Framework to deploy the HCI validated architecture aka VA1 (or any other validated architecture or deployment topology that might be affected) with an environment file containing parameters denoting which branch and repository to deploy with. The custom parameter filename is not important, as long as it is passed to Ansible, and is valid.

ansible-playbook reproducer.yml \
    -i custom/inventory.yml \
    -e cifmw_target_host=hypervisor-1 \
    -e @scenarios/reproducers/va-hci.yml \
    -e @scenarios/reproducers/networking-definition.yml \
    -e @custom/default-vars.yaml \
    -e @custom/secrets.yml \
    -e @custom/test-my_pr_branch.yml

The test-my_pr_branch.yml file contains parameters that identifies the remote git repository and branch name to deploy.


remote_base_dir: "/home/zuul/src/"
- src: "<FORKED_ORGANIZATION>/architecture"
  dest: "{{ remote_base_dir }}/architecture"
  version: <BRANCH_TO_DEPLOY>

Once your environment has been deployed, provide any relevant output showing that the deployment was successful, and that the environment continues to operate nominally. Provide any additional output showing that the changes to the architecture repository have been deployed and are functioning as intended by the pull request. You can SSH into the controller-0 machine and review the contents of /home/zuul/src/ which contains the content as configured by the test-<NAME>.yml parameter file.